Welcome to MLS, your trusted partner in providing comprehensive legal services to local authorities. We understand the unique challenges faced by local authorities and are dedicated in assisting them in various areas, including adult social care, debt recovery, education, employment, and landlord and tenant law.

At MLS, we have a wealth of experienced solicitors in our team who specialise in working with local authorities. By partnering with us, local authorities can save valuable time and resources when they need swift and reliable external assistance, without having to commit and embark on the lengthy and costly process of onboarding a locum. Our expertise in local authority matters ensures efficient and cost-effective solutions for our clients.
We offer flexible and competitive fixed hourly rates and pricing structures, tailored to the needs and budgetary constraints of local authorities. Our aim is to provide exceptional legal services whilst ensuring affordability and transparency.
At MLS we also take pride in our team of fluent Welsh-speaking solicitors, who appreciate the importance of our clients being able to provide instructions and receive legal advice through the medium of Welsh within local authorities. We understand the significance of language and cultural nuances in providing the highest level of service.

By opting for consultancy services, local authorities can take advantage of the flexibility this offers, avoiding the need to commit to costly locum contracts when workloads don’t necessarily demand this. We appreciate that workloads vary from week to week and from month to month, and therefore our services can be tailored in accordance with our client’s needs, as and when they arise. We believe that consultancy offers the best of both worlds for local authorities, combining specialised expertise, time and cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and a client-centred approach.
We are committed to supporting local authorities in navigating complex legal matters and contributing to their success.
Contact us today to learn more about how our law firm can assist your local authority. We look forward to building a long-lasting partnership based on trust, excellence, and shared success.
Services for Local Authorities
Adult Social Care
There are growing pressures on Adult Social Care Departments to ensure that they meet their statutory duties with a very limited budget. Having specialist legal advice is a crucial part of delivering these statutory services in a legally compliant, cost-effective and efficient manner.
Education Law
From the legal rights and duties relating to additional learning needs, tribunal claims, school admission and exclusion appeals, governing bodies, to the day to day legal queries from Head Teachers, Education Law is certainly a wide-ranging area which can prove to be challenging without clear specialist and timely advice. In this growing area of law, Local Education Authorities need to ensure that their processes, policies and decisions meet their statutory duties.
Employment Law
Local Authorities are large-scale employers, and creating a mutually beneficial employment relationship is essential to ensure a good working environment, which promotes the health, wellbeing and safety of employees in accordance with the law. There will also be challenges and disputes arising which require detailed knowledge of the law. MLS has an excellent team of specialist employment solicitors, with years of experience working in local government who are able to provide legal advice and support.
Independent Investigating Officer Services (Adult Social Care – Wales only)
Social Services Departments have a statutory duty to ensure that complaints are investigated by an independent officer when stage 2 of the complaints procedure is invoked. Often it is vital that the investigating officer has detailed legal knowledge of the subject matter, as well as experience and familiarity with local authority processes and procedures in order investigate fully, fairly, and recommend appropriate solutions. MLS can also provide this service through the medium of Welsh.
Debt Recovery
As budgets continue to tighten and pressures increase within local government, the importance of recovering money owed to the local authority is more crucial than ever. The process can be challenging and an understanding of the law in various areas is often required to overcome this e.g. when recovering debts for care home fees. MLS can offer expert legal advice and services to assist local authorities with these matters.
Legal Advice and Support Packages
MLS offers bespoke Legal Advice and Support Packages to local authorities which are tailored to our client’s specific needs. Whether assistance is required with a specific case, project, general legal queries or easing workloads due to e.g. temporary staff absences, MLS can provide flexible legal services, at competitive local authority hourly rates. For further information and / or discussion, contact us today: hello@my-local-solicitor.com.
Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Oedolion
Mae pwysau cynyddol ar adrannau gwasanaethau cymdeithasol oedolion i sicrhau eu bod yn cwrdd a’u dyletswyddau statudol o fewn cyllideb cyfyngedig iawn. Mae cael cyngor cyfreithiol arbenigol yn hollbwysig er mwyn darparu’r gwasanaethau statudol yma mewn modd effeithlon, sy’n gyfreithol gywir ac yn gost-effeithol.
Cyfraith Addysg
O hawliau a dyletswyddau cyfreithiol yn ymwneud ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, hawliadau tribiwnlys, apeliadau mynediad a gwaharddiad ysgolion, cyrff llywodraethol, i’r ymholiadau dydd i ddydd gan bennaethiaid ysgolion, mae cyfraith addysg yn faes eang sydd yn aml yn gallu profi’n heriol heb gyngor arbenigol clir ac amserol. Yn y maes cyfreithiol datblygiadol hwn, mae Awdurdodau Addysg Lleol angen sicrhau fod eu prosesau, polisiau a penderfyniadau yn cwrdd a’u dyletswyddau statudol.
Cyfraith Cyflogaeth
Mae Awdurdodau Lleol yn gyflogwyr ar raddfa eang, ac mae creu perthynas gyflogaeth sy’n llesol i’r ddwy ochr yn hanfodol i sicrhau amgylchedd gwaith dda sy’n hybu iechyd, lles a diogelwch staff yn unol a’r gyfraith. Yn anochel bydd heriau ac anghyfodau yn codi sy’n gofyn am wybodaeth a dealltwriaeth manwl o’r gyfraith. Mae gan MLS dîm arbenigol o gyfreithwyr, gyda blynyddoedd o brofiad yn gweithio mewn awdurdodau lleol sydd wrth law i ddarparu cyngor a chefnogaeth cyfreithiol.
Gwasanaeth Swyddog Ymchwilio Annibynnol (Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Oedolion – Cymru’n Unig)
Mae gan Adrannau Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ddyletswydd statudol i sicrhau fod cwynion yn cael eu hymchwilio gan swyddog annibynnol o dan “cam 2” o’r weithdrefn gwynion. Yn aml mae’n hanfodol fod gan y swyddog ymchwilio ddealltwriaeth a gwybodaeth fanwl am y pwnc dan sylw, ynghyd a phrofiad ac ymwybyddiaeth o brosesau a gweithdrefnau awdurdodau lleol, er mwyn ymchwilio’n drylwyr, yn deg, a chynnig atebion addas. Gall MLS hefyd ddarparu’r gwasanaeth yma drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
Adennill Dyledion
Wrth i gyllidebau dynhau a phwysau gynyddu o fewn llywodraeth leol, mae’r angen a phwysigrwydd o adennill arian sy’n ddyledus i gynghorau lleol yn fwy o flaenoriaeth nag erioed. Gall y broses yma fod yn heriol iawn, ac mae dealltwriaeth o’r gyfraith mewn mwy nag un maes yn angenrheidiol i oresgyn hyn e.e. wrth adennill dyledion ffioedd cartref gofal. Gall MLS gynnig cyngor a gwasanaeth cyfreithiol arbenigol i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol gyda’r materion yma.
Pecynnau Cyngor a Chefnogaeth Cyfreithiol
Gall MLS gynnig Pecynnau Cyngor a Chefnogaeth Cyfreithiol pwrpasol i gynghorau lleol sydd wedi eu teilwra i anghenion penodol ein cleientau. Boed fod yr angen ar gyfer cefnogaeth gydag achos penodol, prosiect, ymholiadau cyfreithiol cyffredinol neu i ysgafnhau llwyth gwaith e.e. oherwydd absennoldeb staff dros dro, gall MLS ddarparu gwasanaeth cyfreithiol hyblyg, ar gyfraddau yr awr cystadleuol ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol. Am wybodaeth / drafodaeth pellach, cysylltwch â ni heddiw: hello@my-local-solicitor.com.
Local Authority Client
The Local Authority have had very positive feedback from the appeal panel and the schools for the expertise Erin has provided in dealing with our appeals. Thanks so much for stepping in and giving us such a fantastic service – very much appreciated.
Sue and Mike Bradley
My family and I could not recommend Marta Williamson of My Local Solicitors more highly for her sensitive approach and we would warmly and gladly recommend Marta to any of our friends, colleagues and network contacts, and I have already recommended Marta to a few good friends and work associates.
Lee Rigby, Wigan
“Your ‘no pressure’ friendly approach really did make a ‘boring’ task really easy and enjoyable to complete [..]I really do appreciate your help with this and would highly recommend you to everyone for any legal matter and I myself will certainly be using your services again for anything legal I may require in the future.”
Paul and Marie T., Chester
Marta provided swift, professional, excellent helpful advice and support. She made herself available readily to help with queries. She visited us at home to help with paperwork and also agreed clear, easy accessible zoom meetings to ensure our needs were fully met. We would highly recommend her services and will definitively use her in the future.
Miss Mary J
I instructed Elen Hughes recently to provide advice and assistance in relation to a dispute. I found Elen to be very kind and understanding when I explained the worry this matter was causing me. She put me at ease straightaway. Elen reviewed the matter quickly and immediately made contact with the solicitors representing the other side of the dispute. She kept me informed throughout her handling of the matter. The matter was resolved swiftly in my favour. I will definitely be recommending Elen to friends and family.
John and Caroline T, Chester
Thank you for your home visits, and your helpfulness in discussions in preparing our LPA’s. We would have no hesitation in recommending your Professional Solicitor Services , to family and friends and thank you for making us feel so comfortable in your presence with your knowledge and expertise of the law.
Kathy and John G, Wrexham
I would like to thank you for your efficiency, help and kindness. We’ll have no hesitation in recommending My Local Solicitor to friends and acquaintances and will certainly come back to you for any help that we need in the future.
Patrick O’Kane, London
“Marta is an excellent solicitor with practical, non-nonsense business skills, a good head for business and ability to deal with complex problems in a positive and efficient way”.
Jane M, Chester
“Marta sorted out a Power of Attorney for my Dad quickly and efficiently. I certainly recommend!”
Abigail J, Wrexham
“Marta is so helpful and understanding. She takes time to explain legal terms in everyday language and is very considerate and patient. Would recommend her to anyone!”
Darren J, Chester
“I would not only recommend Marta, but would implore anyone who runs a business and employs staff to speak with her about a Lasting Power of Attorney. It’s the responsible thing to do.
Laura W, Chester
“Flexible, professional, and fair. Marta makes legal matters less complicated”
Kathryn and John G, Wrexham
“Thank you for making the process such an easy and friendly one and for getting everything done so promptly”
John and Caroline T, Chester
“We are grateful for your professional care and advice and the time afforded to us”
Sheila and Mike T, Chester
“Marta provided an excellent service and I will recommend her to any of my family and friends”