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Mae tueddiad yn ein mysg i feddwl am wneud ewyllys fel rhywbeth i’w ystyried pan rydym yn hŷn, ar ôl…
Creditors have several options for enforcing a County Court Judgment (CCJ). These include: Bailiff or High Court Enforcement Enforcement…

Possession of Converted Contracts Standard Fixed Term Contracts S21 Notice – Issued Before 1 December 2022 If a S21 notice…

Possession of Converted Contracts Landlords you will be aware that when a contract has ended and a tenant remains in…

Unfit – no rent payable !!! The Act comes into force on 1 December 2022. These duties apply from the…

What is a Settlement Agreement? A Settlement Agreement (previously known as a Compromise Agreement) is a legally binding document between…

There has been a dramatic increase in consultancy work in the last couple of years, with COVID- 19 having a…

Dlaczego rodzice potrzebują sporządzić testament? Jeżeli rodzice umrą bez sporządzenia testamentu, zaczynają obowiązywać skomplikowane zasady prawne, zwane zasadami dziedziczenia ustawowego…